Rose Leda Ehler Named to Daily Journal’s Top 40 Under 40
Munger, Tolles & Olson attorney Rose Leda Ehler was named one of the Daily Journal’s top 40 lawyers in California under 40 in a report published on July 28, 2021.
Ms. Ehler was recognized for successfully representing the members of the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment (ACE) in two different copyright cases. In the first case, Ms. Ehler represented a coalition of major studios in shutting down a streaming service that provided thousands of live television channels and video-on-demand content to paying subscribers. She secured a $40 million award, and an injunction shutting down the piracy streaming service and its operators. In the second case, Ms. Ehler led successful litigation against another pirate streaming service that was the source for infringing streams for a network of downstream resellers. She secured a $50 million award, and an injunction shutting down the streaming service.
Ms. Ehler was also featured for her role as lead counsel representing The Recording Industry Association of America, Inc. (RIAA) against stream-ripping service Yout, which rips digital files from YouTube after circumventing YouTube’s rolling cipher technology. The stream-ripping service first filed a declaratory judgment action, but Ms. Ehler filed a motion to dismiss, making clear that Yout is a circumvention technology that violates the anti-circumvention provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. as a matter of law.
Rose Leda Ehler is a litigation partner in the Los Angeles office of Munger, Tolles & Olson. Ms. Ehler litigates high stakes disputes on behalf of a wide variety of clients in the entertainment and technology industries.